
By DoguWCoast

White Bubbles

Companies get the job done when it comes to packaging. Bluff. The problem is this package is a package which brings v.i.p tickets to the super bowl in hell. Books on physics, books on biology, not for the fact that I hate books related on "serious" studies but c'mon now, I assume that you have the feeling. A mixture of excitement and the concern of getting enough sleep, all a cause of this box. IT CAME WITH REAL BOOKS TOO! Have to give credit to that, novels to poems, give me those. The worst part is that the bubbles above were kinda like a thing to give the drums at the background. I don't like that. I didn't know what was in the box before hand. They caught me unprepared, God why wouldn't you just get me a ticket with the supervision of your angles, a command.

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