DMS training

I arrived in Guildford yesterday for the ECIS PE conference. My first formal professional development for many many years. It finishes on Saturday night with a gala dinner dance. I've been a little nervous as there are over 100 PE teachers from various international schools around the world but I'm excited to pick up lots of new ideas.

I have certainly been put through my paces today starting with a fitness blast class at 7:30am this morning followed by workshop after workshop. As we're all PE teachers we have been expected to smile and sweat all day. I worked with a fantastic running coach at a couple of workshops who gave me same great advice for my own running. It resulted in me going for a training run with an Australian guy early this evening who is on the Championship line at the London marathon next week. We actually got quite lost running around Guildford and had to stop and ask for directions many times!
This evening ended with a ceildh which was tremendous fun as it's been a long time since I've danced into the early hours!

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