Wide Angle Wednesday - Storm

I spent the morning bottling a batch of beer and setting off another brew! A quick sample of the stuff going into bottles confirms it is ok (ish) - not my favourite brew, but it will do :-)

After lunch, the sun was shining and there was blue sky, so we went out for our walk. As we went round it began to get dark and I turned round to see this bank of clouds heading for us.  Rattle off a few shots with this bit of farm equipment and old bales as foreground. I couldn't remove the pylon so I plonked it between the two!

There was a tractor in the field (reseeding a failed crop) but I wasn't going to hang around for it to make an appearance.

We almost made it home before it started hailing - just a few hundred metres and we got quite wet!

Image is taken at the wide end of my 24-105 lens and is a 3 shot HDR - processed in Nik HDR Efex Pro 2 and is my entry for Wide Angle Wednesday

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