
I've had a very productive day. I went to work and moved two tonnes of shit out of the office area (that is two bulk bags full of stuff). It was mainly old files and brochures but it takes the amount of rubbish taken out of our working area to FOUR tonnes in just two months.

Then I came home and baked shortbread like a good little wife should. It's cooling in the kitchen now. I then indulged myself and played about with a camera and a copy of Digital Photo magazine to try and capture water. In fairness it told me to crank the shutter speed up to 1/1000 which I'd sussed anyway and click. So I did. I shot in RAW because my brother suggested I do so (and because I have three 32gb memory cards somewhere in the UK postal system that will allow for much better storage out and about). I then fiddled about with it in photoshop.

I know where I've gone wrong here, it's all in the angle. I've looked down on the glass whereas I think maybe I could have looked straight on at it. I do however like the graduated filter available in Color Efex Pro.

In other news I'll be mostly packing tomorrow for my holiday!!!!! Whoooo Hooooo!!!!!!!

I travel to my lovely girlfriends house on Tuesday night, and by Wednesday morning we aim to be in the city of Exeter visiting my Nan. From there it's on the St Ives, Cornwall for 4 days of introducing Fe to my favourite part of England. We're hoping for a blipmeet whilst there and I've got a couple of days planned myself to show off the places I've loved growing up.

From there the boot is on the other foot and we sail off to Bryher which is one of the Scilly Isles. This is where Fe shows me the places she loved growing up, all from the luxury of a f****** big tent and all brought to you in stunning form by my trusty Canon. Four batteries and three fat assed memory cards will be our travelling companion and faithful friend.

I don't care what the lads at work say about Craggy Island and having to defecate in bushes, I know that it isn't like that.

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