Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Not done one for a bit

So here is an SP with some effects. I feel better now.

I wanted to demonstrate here that there is still a glint in my eye, I do still have that sparkle somewhere deep inside. Apart from my family I've realised that in the main Ive surrounded myself with people who do not compliment me as an individual. I've spent a long while (in my opinion) trying to be something I'm not. The thing is I was labelled as a 'wide boy' or someone not to be trusted and for some reason I happily cultivated this persona. Now? Now I'm living with the consequences of ten years creating a character. My family know what I'm really like, and hopefully my fellow blippers do to. I'm not a dick, I'm not a lowlife and most importantly I am full of the milk of human kindness. When it suits me.

So I just had the most embarrasing moment of my life. I mooched down to the WC here in the office for five minutes sitting down, pushed open the cubicle door - and there was some guy just sat there without a lock on the door!!! I was mortified and I've hidden upstairs until he has gone.

I've never seen another man sat on the toilet before, trousers round ankles with a vulnerable look slapped all over his Chevy Chase. I don't ever want to see it again. However I suspect everytime I close my eyes to sleep, I shall still see that image. I'm stained (not literally, I didn't hang around or anything).

I finally got photoshop on my home laptop. It's CS4 rather than CS5 but it'll do me. Now gotta grab my plug ins and I'll be creating my usual stuff before you know it.

I have a friend across a body of water who is having a tough time right now. My thoughts are with them because I've been there and I know exactly what that shit feels like. It's kinda like being opened up, having all the good stripped away and being filled with guilt and worry. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Except Jedward. What a pair of c****. I watched Never Mind The Buzzcocks last night and those oxygen thieves were on. Five minutes after I switched over to 8 Out Of 10 Cats and guess what? The annoying little planks were on there as well. I'm surprised I didn't find them sat on the bog twenty minutes ago, they pop up everywhere else.

I've also taken a decision to remove myself from the world of Facebook. I first joined up in late 2006 and have become increasingly tired of the inane shit people think that I'm interested in. It's also become a way of tracking people you don't really know: I've had six texts in the last month from people I have on Facebook who have got my number from there. I also don't like the fact people have little power trips, deleting friends and all that. I've done it - I shouldn't have added them in the bloody first place. So thats it, I'm done. I have a second account just to play Lexulous with my Mum though :)

I can still see that man sat on the pan, concentration and exposure etched across his sweaty forehead. I feel sick. I don't think I can eat lunch.

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