Look Over There!

I am continuing my efforts to teach Nellie the basics of being a Blip dog. She is just a Blip dog by association, of course, but still. It's a useful skill in my opinion, knowing how to pose for treats. We went for a long walkie over to the sheep barn. And guess what? It was open, with lots and lots of Baahs! and more high pitched Eeeh!s coming out of it. Lambs!! Yay! It was apparently feeding time. Nellie's mum went over to have a look, while us three waited, not wanting to disturb them. Any day soon they will come outside!

Mum repotted the tomatoes again. I have lost count for which time. Anyhow, this was a good opportunity for me to chill in the afternoon sunshine on the balcony. We think there might be the tiniest green bud visible on the apricot tree! Too soon for a yay still. But keep up the good work!

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