
And look what happened! Not only a new fabulous TV - which we've had for a few weeks - but also the classy, non-IKEA TV bench. It took mum almost three hours ! to assemble. I was worried because she is not really good at that type of thing. It was an eighteen-step instruction manual, and there were fifteen different types of screws and nuts! In the end she did it!

My day was weird. Mum left early and was gone way past my eleven o'clock. And when I heard the key turn in the look, I ran to the door but it wasn't mum. It was my friend Stina's mum. Fishy. She is nice, but... And she wanted me to come with her. Even more fishy. I barked lots so everyone would know what was going on.

We ended up at their house! Which was very nice, with a small garden and great running space indoors. Stina was super friendly and generous and let me examine all her toys, and we both got to search for treats. My favourite toy was a small green soft squeaky hedgehog!

Mum finally turned up, claiming some bus or train or whatever had been late. And that she was sorry. I think it was brilliant on the whole!

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