
By Schatzmoney

Throwback to the good ol' masser days

This picture was taken last summer during the time that I worked at Masser's. I don't remember if this was my first day or not but this picture still brings back a lot of memories. I worked at masser for about a month an a half before I was "laid off". I might have clown around quite a bit on the job but it was still my favorite job I ever had. For the first 3 weeks I worked there I laid agriculture pipes in the potato fields. My first partner I had was incredibly slow and it was quite frustrating so we eventually kicked him off the team.  My second partner, Bryce Yearsley was much faster than my old partner and I enjoyed working with him a lot more. Our boss said that we were the fastest people he had ever seen lay pipe before. After we had laid all the pipe they needed us to, we worked in the potato plant doing all sorts of various jobs. We did this for about 3 weeks until we got laid off but I had a lot fun in the time I worked there and I made some new friends.

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