Lali's World

By Lali

Approaching car...

...on a rainy day.

I had a day off today, but I had to go to Dunfermline for a hospital appointment. Nothing serious and I'm fine.

This took most part of my day as I had to take two buses to get there and two buses to get back. I was hoping to get some shopping done in St Andrews after the appointment, but it was too late and the shops would have been closed. So not a very exciting day off. The weather was rubbish as well.

Back home I just went outside to do some food shopping. After that I stayed in, as it was raining. No inspiration to take photos really. This was taken from my window.

Taking it easy this evening and hoping for better weather tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good and less wet day! :)

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