fools challenge

By ladypop

A web of colour?

Today has been a good day. Weather ok and by 2 was sunny and warm.

We take mum to hospital on Saturday for her dialysis treatment which is in Southend. As the weather was ok we decided to go into old Leigh for a walk and possible blip. We had trouble parking but when we got down there we knew why, it was a music festival weekend. Loads of people eating, drinking and listening, pubs were doing a roaring trade. Took some shots and then started walking back, called in at a great cafe for coffee and cake whilst sitting in the sun, lovely.

On the way home a car in front of us was making a horrible smell, then steam starting coming out and it ground to a halt. Husband got out and with some others pushed it to the side of the road (fortunately a side street with a parking spot) An elderly couple were in the car so we gave them a lift home.

This was my choice for today (copying beachcomber!) it caught my eye. Press l on keyboard to see why

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