Life on the edge...

By bru22

100 Blips!!!

I have officially hit the 100 Blip mark!! Yey!!

This picture is of my new iPad case and stylus I bought today...

Since Blip 1 on the 13th April 2012 I haven't missed a single Blip... and thanks to A for my birthday membership present I am slowly piecing together backblips from the day I was born...

Thanks to the regulars for your constant comments. Thanks A, for introducing me to this world. Thanks Blipfoto for helping me out in times of realisation... Thank You!

I want to continue using Blipfoto to see the positive in everyday, capture memories to last forever and not take a single Blip for granted. You never know what will happen in this world, what is round the corner, what your last ever Blip could be...! Be thankful for waking up everyday... There are lots of people in this world fighting for that chance to wake up again and again...

If you're handed that chance with no fight...

Use it.. Blip it... Treasure it...

"If your life was to flash before your eyes, would it be worth watching...?"

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