Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies

She spreads her wings and they black out the sun

I have to start trying to take decent pictures during the day if I am serious about being a Blipper again.  If this hadn't been a snap from my phone on the move, it could have been so much better.  It has, however put The Crow by Hurts in my head, and I think it's a beautiful song so that's a good thing.

It's been a bit of a funny week since my good Saturday at the horse trials.  I think it all went wrong when I allowed myself to have a hangover on Sunday.  It wasn't a very bad one, but it was enough to stop me venturing down to the Glen for trail riding, which was a shame because it generally gives me the endorphin blast needed to get through the week.  And it's been a rather uninspired week with nothing much to do in the evenings, especially given that last night's plans were cancelled, and lots of desk work in the office. 

I also got annoyed with myself midweek because I was thinking about what a privileged upbringing I had and how my parents tried so hard to get me the best possible education so I could have the best possible opportunities in life and here I am, mid-30s, generally unsatisfied in work, on my own, not able to afford to live where and how I'd choose to live.  Lucky enough to be comfortable and indulge myself on one level, but not imaginative, motivated or brave enough to really live how I'd like to.

Oh well, apologies for the navel gazing.  Hopefully this will be a better weekend as I'm off to Glasgow to treat mum for her birthday and then using the holiday Monday to try to catch that horsey feel good after all. 

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