Strawberry Hill Gothic

this is Nether Winchendon House at Nether Winchendon near Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire. I actually visited yesterday afternoon though I was due to go today. Carol wasn't feeling 100%  yesterday which meant I had the car so I went. The owner Mr Spencer Churchill Barnard showed me round along with 6 other interested souls; two of them were from Walsall.

The house began with monastic roots until the time of Henry VIII when it passed into private hands. It was remodelled in the 1700s in the style of Strawberry Gothic see here for more on this:

The house being in private hands is somewhat run down with plaster & paint peeling & big cobwebs in lots of places on the inside. No photography is allowed inside.either which is understandable when you consider that it is a family home. The tour consists of visiting 4 / 5 ground floor rooms only including the dining room which has fine linenfold oak panelling. The owner knows his family history & it is a very worthwhile tour. Entry is £8 or its free if you are an HHA member.

After a good wander around the gardens I walked up to the church for a look there passing the Victorian post box on the way. The church is a beauty & contains two rows of high sided box pews - interesting in that not everyone sitting in them would face the altar.

Back home then for tea to find N & Zak keeping C company.

So today we got a call to say N hasn't been very well in the night & needs to go to the docs. I took C up to N's so she could look after Zak whilst C went to the docs. I then went to the supermarket to top up on some supplies. Got home put everything away then went & fetched C. Home now. C is going to get her nails done this pm before going off to visit her mother. I may have a little nod while she is out !

Cold day but dry

More about Nether Winchendon House here:

The three  extras show the other sides of the house.

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