Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Muck Up Day

Firstly, what the fliberty giblet is "Muck Up Day"? Turns out it's the last day of S6, which in my day was called, yes, that's right, "The last day of S6".

"The S6's put Viagra in the water fountains!", Tess and Sam were eager to tell me when I picked them up from school. I laughed myself senseless thinking that was an urban myth of legendary status. Only now I've just realised this means that my S1 and S3 year old know what viagra is. And had no blushes saying the word to me.

Last years muck up day involved honey on the stairwell handrails, teachers vetoed that this year. This year, my little clypes reliably informed me, involved cling filming the toilets (old skool), rampaging into classrooms and either a)kidnapping a younger sibling or b)offering some stolen cake around while working with the maths teacher to pie chart out equal portions. There was other stuff, such as a themed dress up for all S6s, Grecian togas, on a day of hail, sleet and snow and hailstones so heavy and big they would cause some grevious toga harm. And this car, some poor teacher's nae doot!

I vaguely remember my last day of S6, but it was terribly difficult to see in those days through my gothly eye make which weighed down my eye lids you see, or rather don't see, and we were trying so painfully hard to be too cool for school back then. There's a wee bit more lightness of being about this latest generation, they don't take themselves so seriously, or maybe that's just the school doing a good job.

Viagra in the water fountains.... hahahaha.... "And just how was that administered?" I mischievously asked. "Well" said Sam, "it must be in fizzy dissolving tablets; they went in early and unscrewed the fountain tops and put them in". Aye Sam, course they did.

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