Boudoir Decoration

Even after gallivanting all day at Codonas for Eve's birthday Tess assures me she is happy to stand in this position for the next week to draw attention to our new sign. I never thought I'd see the day I'd be advertising another woman from my bedroom window.....but then I've just seen sight of last years blipfoto entry and It's
reminded I've got previous on this... SNP bunting anyone?

The rest of us and Sam's pal Patrick headed off to see the latest Marvel offering of Captain America thingy. Nae bad, nae fantastic, but nae bad.

Late afternoon hike with the canine twosome, sniffing and eating poo of every flavour....deer, horse rabbit....the dogs that is, not me and Dave. I lost my phone on route. A bit in awe that Dave retraced the steps after a long hot day and found it at the furthest away point, miles away.

So sunny and hot today after the hail, sleet and snow of the last week. Got a craving for a beer after walking, the first I've had in years, steady girl.

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