
By cowgirl


Emma's not going to like this - she's been kicked out of the lime light again, but I don't get to see Alice often, so after much soul searching I decided it had to be her!

Another day of short sharp showers of rain and hail with some sunshine inbetween, but no real warmth to it.

We decided to pop into town to do all our shopping and get it home again quickly. It took us about 3 hours! Mind you, that did include a pit stop for coffee!

Sav then went to bed for a sleep before his night shift. I left my phone in my bag so didn't see a text come through from the girls telling me to join them at a nearby show jumping event until a couple of hours later when I went to charge it up.

I shot off to the venue and just caught Louise riding Moss over the last 3 jumps of her round. Emma and Nelson had already competed and a few minutes after I arrived were receiving the winning rosette ( my extra shot ).

Back at the farm, the 3 little ones ( Mary, Alex and Alice ) were having fun with grandma and Aunty Rachel/mum. Saturday is egg and chips evening and Rachel did a grand job of feeding us all.

Then it was bath and bed time for some and I reluctantly left them to it, as thought I should see Sav before he left for work. Not that he would mind if I didn't!

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