Gitama's World

By Gitama

The Kings of The Coastal Rock.......

.....sat way out on the edge this afternoon seemed as if they were discussing some mysterious nature of the waves and the hidden secrets of the oceans.

It has been like ages since I got to the favorite point ....It was lovely to be there...the boys climbed the rocks..... the girls collected treasure and I took win all round.

I had many to choose from as I did some long exposures and then a most beautiful rainbow light appeared just on top of the horizon. I am so tired that I just had to choose one before It turned into hours of umming and ahhing

.....I'm off to bed.

My friend sent this to me today...I love it.

Arguing with idiots is like

playing chess with a pigeon....
No matter how good you are,

the bird is going to shit on the
board and strut around like it won anyway.

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