
By Fisherking

........With this ring............

When I woke up yesterday morning it was to a couple of inches of snow......the rest of the day was hail, rain and wind.

This morning was overcast with a biting wind............but as the hour of noon approached the clouds began to lift............the wind began to abate.......and by the time we were ready for the photographs the Sun was shining........his Mum was certainly looking down from Heaven on them.

He made a wonderful speech...with just the right reference to his Mum..........barely a dry eye in the room........but only briefly.
All his uncles and aunts were there to support him.........and YH's family turned out in great numbers.........from long distances to make the day one to remember. Friends in abundance.........a fantastic meal........a disco with bacon butties, sausage butties and pizza for the evening...........Hannah lasted until 10.00 p.m..............Charlotte was still going at midnight.

All in all an excellent day............and a new Helen Goldsbrough at the end of it all.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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