
By Fisherking

.......the day after...........

Up early...hotel breakfast.....3 bacon, 2 sausages, black pudding,scrambled egg, beans, mushrooms, 2 toast and marmalade and coffee.

The Groom and I went back to the room used for the wedding to collect the presents, the photo boards, the cake, the left over favours etc etc...........the car was filled again.

Round to the S & H's to drop everything off...and then back home to the cats...I nipped home yesterday evening to feed them.......but essentially they had been home alone for 24 hours.

Suits packed back into the covers to return to the hire shop.......overnight bags unpacked......dishwasher set off.......cats fed.The Daughter and I settled down with a hot drink to watch the United v Leicester game.........and both dozed off!

A quiet evening.........thank you emails and texts sent.......a lightish meal......too tired even to watch Match of the Day 2.........still at least the noisy neighbours and the scousers when I inevitably wake up about 5 in the morning I'll have something to watch.

The jars held the wedding favours...........sweeties! humbugs, bon-bons, pear drops and sour cola bottles............lots of guests left them I pinched one of each to take to the fishing cabin a jar of humbugs and a jar of sours for me.

Maybe we'll all go out to lunch tomorrow......or maybe we won't...who knows.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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