living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

We live on fascination!

We had a day at the zoo and grandma and Rubie came too! It was exciting as it was the first time Cleo was old enough to "get" the zoo and seemed to enjoy seeing all of the animals she only sees in books and on TV. She definitely liked the bat house the best. After we went through the cave she told granny all about the bats and it was a very long story (I think there was a lion in the story but I don't know where that came from). Ash seemed to be most fascinated by the butterfly house and the bat house as well. There must be something exciting about walking through the dark with things flapping all around.

In this picture a butterfly has landed on Rubies shoulder and Cleo is looking particularly amazed! One landed on Ash's hat as well but we didn't get snapping in time.

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