Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


A slow steady rain and temperatures in the 40's made it a very good day to stay inside and play dominoes with Peg and Kura for most of the day.  When they finally had to leave around 4 this afternoon, I went out on our deck to see what might present itself for a blip - bundled up and standing under the deck gazebo to stay dry.  As is usually the case, after I stood quietly for awhile, the birds started to go about their usual business, eating, courting, chasing and just simply looking good.

Monsieur Bleu finally discovered the mealworms and I caught him on camera here with a nice mouthful which were subsequently delivered to the nest box for Madame's dining pleasure.  I'm not as creeped out about handling the live mealworms as I thought I might be (thanks to Sefferdog for his expert tutelage).  And the birds certainly seem to enjoy them - the titmice are crazy for them, and I've seen the catbirds diving in as well as the carolina wrens.  So, I'm officially on my way to mealworm farming - much to Hubs' horror.  

No sign of the foxes today, although I didn't really spend any time lurking about in the shrubs.  Fortunately, Kura, Peg and Ellen were able to see them late yesterday afternoon - they were all smitten, no surprise.  Hopefully I'll see them tomorrow.

I've posted three other shots on Flickr, starting HERE - a very red house finch, a very wet cowbird and a female grosbeak, first of the year.  

Thank you very much for sending my foxes to the front of the Popular page - they are such a delight to photograph and I am very happy that you enjoy them too!



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