Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Well, I was really planning on posting a shot of one of the beautiful male grosbeaks who are still hanging around the yard ... in fact, I had the shot ready to put up.  And then I spotted the kits next door and I was out the door and into major stealth mode.  I crept up to our big hedge of junipers and just crouched there - and eventually all seven kits came out and gave me an hour of total enjoyment.

One of the parents emerged from the woods at one point, checked me out, and melted back into the forest, leaving the kits to run and jump and play.  I didn't care that the juniper was itching me like crazy, or that my legs were cramping ...seeing these fox kits was just sheer magic.  I picked this shot because I liked the way it shows how they have mock-fights with each other, such puppy-like behavior.

I posted five other shots of the kits on Flickr, as well as a close up of a singing wren and an irritated looking cardinal - the fun starts HERE.

I brought my mealworm "condo" into the house today because it was so cold in the garage - Charlie was instantly on point, staring at the plastic container as if it might grow legs and run away at any moment. He tried patting at it with his paw, and then tried to bite it - to no avail.  Luckily, the container has a well-secured lid.  Otherwise, if those things got loose in the house, I am pretty sure Hubs would divorce me!

Almost got a hummer shot today - but the little guy was just a bit too quick for me.  But I've got all summer to practice my hummer skills, and a much shorter time to record this time in the fox kits's lives.  So, you'll probably have to bear with a few more kit shots!  

Toodles, people.  Counting down until we leave for Alabama on Wednesday...


UPDATE:  Just now from our upstairs window, I was watching the kits playing and when I counted, there were NINE, plus on adult!  Those are two very busy parents to be raising such a large little of kits.

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