
Yet one more creature to add to the menagerie where I live although this one belongs to neighbors.  They had him outside for a "run" this morning and I do mean run.  He was very fast but didn't quite make it to the water before his owner intervened.  

The goslings are getting bigger every day.  They're now at the gangly and awkward stage.  Their feet are huge and they're necks are getting longer.   Two little guys from another group have joined them.  I don't know how or why that happened but they're quite a bit younger so they're still little fluff balls but the group seems to be taking care of them.  There are still four adults herding them around.  

I put a few more of today's pictures in extras.  I got one decent shot of the red-winged blackbird who comes to my bird feeder but is too skittish to stay there long enough for me to get a picture.   The canvasback duck pair were sunning themselves on the water which really lit up their colors.  I'll leave you to figure out what the heron was doing.  Flashing comes to mind but there was no lady heron around.  I'm hoping it wasn't for my benefit.  

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