twinned with trumpton


And so - finally - a return to the big hills. Having watched Iainatcreel's steady progress through the north east this week, I felt compelled to hit the great outdoors.
Woke at 5.40, and on the road - on my own - by 0615. (She had her daughter all weekend, the rest were already out camping north of Fort William having done Corbett and 2 Grahams on Friday with Ben Tee booked in for Saturday.)

So off I drove in mostly sunshine; the key bits always on a journey up the road - I could see Ben Vorlich clearly from the M9 at Stirling, Ben More was under cloud, but Ben Lawers from the top of Glen Ogle was clear. 2 out 03 meant a better than average chance of a decent day.

Onwards to the head of Glen Coe and then swinging of to the left here, I headed off down Glen Etive. Never previously having ventured down further than to pick up Welsh Colin who descended off Criese about 4 years ago over the Corbett to here, it was a nice wee adventure. A twisty road hemmed in on both sides by increasingly impressive hills.
Eventually I got to the start. (See photo)
Ben Starav is the large lump on the right (the summit obscured from view) - and Glas Bheinn Mhor is the pointy one on the left. The aim was to head right back to the lowest point on the ridge, turn up onto the east ridge of Starav, back to the bealach; then there's another Munro Beinn Nan Aighenan further south by another 2.5km (not visible at this point)
This involves an additional 500m as it drops a long way down before climbing back up to the summit. Then back again to the bealach and if strength and time permits, knock off Glas Bheinn Mhor and home.

As it turned out, its a long rocky hard road onto the ridge. Then as I turned up the hill onto Starav, there's a nice snow covered narrow ridge, and nearer the top, the snow was shin deep with practically no visibility. Thankfully there were others who'd set off earlier who had gone up the steep NW ridge and were coming down my line of ascent so I followed their footprints to the summit, then back off down to the sneaky ridge and into clearer surroundings.

A tough descent and then off I went to Beinn nan Aighenan - I'm struggling by this time - I've felt slightly bleary all day and I reckon the terrain, the snow and a slight bug / virus are really hampering me. Achy, slow lethargic. But on I plod, revived by her cockaleekie soup and eventually through sheer bloody mindedness I hit  summit #2.

Now all I've got to do is climb the additional 300 metres back up to the ridge and trudge the 5 miles back to the car.

It was not a speedy return and I will not have need of any dermal abrasion facial product this week - I got a right good scouring with the snow and hail that fell for a good hour....
Oh well.

Back to the car; exhausted. In sunshine. Amazing last long views up to the hills - Glas Bheinn Mhor remains for another day. (It can be tagged on with Stob Choire Albaniach at some point in the future when I'm in better nick.

3.5 hours drive home, via the chip shop.

A long much needed soak ensued. How I envied Pensioner and his 1230 kick off at Tynecastle.
18 odd km, 1700 m ascent; 175 down, 107 left to do
Rest of the photos are here

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