Home & Away

By HeidiAndDolly

Dog Park

I woke up to a stormy morning in San Francisco, but by lunchtime it had cleared and we were treated to a windy but sunny, blue sky afternoon. I didn't go far on this trip but I did enjoy a walk around Lafayette Park. I always enjoy watching the dogs at the 'Dog Park' area. I was amused to see that they have water fountains, not just for tall and short humans, but for the dogs also!  

The US has a very different dog 'culture' than we do in the UK. I think it's sad to see such strong leash laws. Although these special 'Dog Park' sections within bigger parks are a compromise, providing a good place for dogs to play together, most of them are still too small, especially for dogs who need to RUN!  Many of them, like this one, are covered with FAKE grass!  I'm all for responsible dog ownership, in regards to both clean up and safety, but I like living in England where EVERY park is a dog park!!  (with a few obvious exceptions.)

Oh, and I was amused to see that in THIS park, many of the dogs were off leash even in the other areas. If we were there I'm sure Dolly and I would join the rebels!  Just sayin!

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