
By anita

Morning Puja

Woke quite early to be greeted by this view from our room to the sea looks out onto a sacred beach so it is lovely to see the early morning Puja.

This morning I had a Shiatsu appointment.

This was my first experience of anything like this so I kind of treated it as an experiment and didn?t really have any expectations of what it would be like.

The ?doctor? began the session by working on all the channels starting at my toes and working up. It reminded me a bit of physio that I had had recently to loosen up the muscles in my leg ? but as it continued it got quite intense.

This went on for a while then he asked me to stand up so he could stretch my back?.OMG he did too. He stood back to back and pulled me over his back so that I was in a backward handstand position. It was one of those experiences where you feel relieved that you survived to live to tell the tale rather than that where you actually enjoyed it.

At the end of the session he did a whole relaxation thing which was great followed by a prognosis which was?..questionable is the best way to put it. So another day another new experience! As I type Paul if having a session so we will compare notes and see what he gets out of it and how the backward handstand thing goes!!!

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