twinned with trumpton


And after the exertions of Saturday, Sunday saw no let up.

Ok, so I woke at 7.30, a sleep somewhat interrupted by cramp - it seemed every time I rolled over, I got a spasm of pain in a calf or a thigh. But I lay in bed, watched MOTD, and posted photos on Fakebook.

Then around mid morning I headed out to do more good work for the impending birthday of her daughter. Cake proved problematic; in spite of ordering a personalised cake from Asda (Leaf), their bakery was bereft of staff. No amount of yelling at managers was going to get it done, so I took myself of to Chesser and got it done there. So time and effort wasted. I came home via Nike - some £17 trainers bought, I got home and as I was cooking lunch got a text to say she was on a train, heading home (She'd been to lunch with her Maw in Falkirk - G birthday present pick up, too)
So I rocked up at Haymarket, and we all head to Primark and then to Ikea - drawers for the bedroom, a laundry box and some odds and ends.

Back to hers, dropped them and then home and cycled back up for dinner which she cooked. It's always good to get on the bike after a day in the hills - it stretches out different muscles and I felt great out on the bike. Not much power it has to be said, but..... Good to do.

Gammon, cauli cheese and endless wrapping and labelling.

I left around 9.30 and fell into bed, exhausted. But it didn't stop me trying (albeit failing) to watch snooker and football. Sleep won out....

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