Fingers Crossed

I've knitted these jackets for my step grand nieces and am praying that they fit. The actual pattern used knitting needles so big gauge wise, that they were unwieldy to use and so I changed to smaller needles using the number of stitches for a bigger size hoping that everything would work out to fit 9 month old Kathleen and Kimberly, the two Ks.

Knitting tension squares would of course been the correct way forward, but they are for the meticulous knitter, not for the impetuous let's-just- get -going -and -hope -for -the -best type of knitter I am. If they are too small for the girls, I only have myself to blame.

His Lordship has deserted the Dower House for the day and I am a free agent with the house to myself. Those of you with retired partners will know how this feels.
He has gone off with two army friends to visit the Gordon Highlander Museum in Aberdeen and his excitement is palpable. Given that his army career was only two years military service, he has been inordinately influenced by the experience.
How I'd like to be a fly on the wall on the journey north, as the three of them interact like schoolboys given a day's pass for good conduct.

Meanwhile, for me, I fancy a G&T and a sit in the sun, but...........there's dreaming and there's hard reality.

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