Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Orthodox Easter

Last Tuesday our first-born male lamb went off to fire-brigade cadet camp (lies). At about ten to seven in the evening a member of the fire-brigade came to our property to collect dear little Bijay (true).
To be perfectly honest with you, Bijay was becoming a little full of himself and bolshie so I wasn't too sorry to see him go. He'd been in the habit of running up behind me and getting just that little bit too close for comfort and, having previously had a very assertive large male on the property, I wasn't keen to see history repeat itself. It's very uncomfortable to be afraid of your own sheep at your own home-place.
So first-off Fireman Takis gave Bijay a very severe haircut (understatement). After some further induction (economical with the truth) he went off to see our mate Yiannis at a local taverna where he spent the next few days chilling out (true).
We were next reunited with Bijay on Easter Sunday after he had had his first go sliding down the shiny pole and was, by the time we arrived, having his first close-encounter with a real fire (true).

So here is a smartphone picture of some traditional Greek red Easter egg-shells after they had been most cruelly removed from the hard-boiled eggs therein.

The happy news is that my lovely friend J tells me she has a Canon point-and-click she's happy for me to borrow until at least such time as the Sony Corporation does the honourable thing :-)

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