Grey Heron(Ardea cinerea)

8am is too late! I dropped the boys at school and then drove to the Lagoons at first it seemed very pleasant and not too hot at all, but then the sun started to increase in ferocity and by 8:45 with alot of walking, my heavy camera and lens and backpack made me head for the cool of my car. I would have loved to have stayed longer but the carpark is quite a reasonable distance away from the second water hide and a very long exposed walk in the sun with no water is madness. There were alot of Herons including a whole family of Night Herons! The adults look so menacing with their bright red eyes, white and dark blue/grey plumage and they were all great to see sitting on a branch with their two juveniles. This Heron was very nice to me and flew right overhead and for once I was ready for him, the extra is also the same Grey Heron, I couldn't decide which one was best as I love looking at their magnificent wings and feathers, but I do like that blazing sun through the wing.

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