Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Hero's Welcome

Sam returns under his own steam after a lengthy sleepover. I swear his voice has got a bit deeper, he'd grown an inch taller, his vote pedro moustache grown a few centimetres and he'd altogether just suddenly aged a year all in the space of 24 hours absence from his mammy.

Dave and I spent a rare day off together. A lie in? Yas! A walk round Formartines with the hounds? Aye! Ordering the dogs their own eggy bread from the menu for some picnic table pitstop? Yep, Dave did indeed do that. That's how mentally dog orientated we've become. Back home and a few hours leading him up the garden path.... literally...we are nearly done digging it out.

Tess returned home fighting a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sized stomach ache after participating in the sweet fuelled sleepover to end all sweet fuelled sleepovers. I have an infinite capacity for sweet stuff, lightweight that she is, but I guess it probably explains why I am a heavyweight......

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