
By Fisherking


I know it's Star Wars day today..............but I've waited a while for these to arrive.............from Compare the Market............Sergei as Superman...........Aleksandr as Batman...........took them round to Charlie and Hannah this evening........Hannah had first dibs and chose Superman.

Strange day.............first day in a while that I've been on my own............first time I've been to the S & H's  place since Helen got ill..........the last paperwork for the last widowers pension arrived...........everything suddenly swept over me.........this really is it...........nothing urgent/pressing/important to do.......apart from the Daughter moving out, date not yet decided, just a blank canvas in front of one to one to tell my worries and fears to.............a teary little session.

Still at least the Sun shone............and it was that's a positive.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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