In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

The Weight

This is a paper weight that June made for me. The pattern is a beautiful piece of lace that she hand made herself. I love it.

Later today, before I go into Ellon to get my haircut, I shall be nipping along to the village hall to note. Today in Scotland we go to the polls to decide who we want to be our Members of The Scottish Parliament.
We have proportional representation here; this is supposed to be a system that is fair and that no party should get too big a majority.

But because the ruling party, the SNP, are so popular and the other parties are still tied to their London based head offices and because they refuse to move into the modern world, they get very few votes. Making the SNP get massive majorities.

We realise that we should have a strong opposition, but the leaders of the Tories and the Labour parties only got in the last time by the list vote I believe, not by a personal note for them.
A larger majority is expected this time, but we shall wait and see. The polls don't always get it right.


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