In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Here we go again

So, here we go with another five years of SNP running Scotland. Main Stream Media, as usual, putting a negative slant on things. But in reality the voting system is set up so no party can have an overall majority.
We have won an amazing third victory in a row.
Some reporter actually blamed the demise of the Labour Party on Ken Livingston's ill timed, but truthful statement. I have never fully liked Red Ken, but he, rightfully , has never been afraid to speak out.
This isn't what hurt Labour, it is just their overall attitude and moving away from their socialist politics.

Over a Million! SNP polled record number of constituency votes – 1,059,897 No party has ever done this. Labour polled 908,392 in 1999
On another note, UKIP haven't won a single seat in any of the elections.


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