Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


This is little Cocoa a pure Shetland ewe lamb, her mother is a dear old girl and a little short on milk so little cocoa gets topped up with milk from the bottle twice a day. She will come running to me in the field to get her milk and likes a stroke and a cuddle and is quite a mischievous girl!

Still feeling low but the show must go on. A bit of a panic at the farm where we manage the livestock where the youngest calf was missing its from a first time calver and husband hadn't seen it last night in the rain but thought it was just hunkered down. So after searching himself husband came home and had breakfast then we both went over to look for it. We turned up and the cow was laid down so we got her up and she looked a certain direction and sniffed. (with animals you learn to read them when you spend so long with them) so we headed off in that direction searching. Thankfully after 10 minutes it was found curled up sleeping and quite happy. We put him in the buggy and took him back to mum who was surprised to see him turn up but gave him a good feed and all was well. On coming through the ewes we found a ewe lambing and its lamb stuck so fortuitous that we were through them at that time. It had one leg back so it was stuck at the shoulders. Lamb out and breathing good and into the shed to recover. Wondered back to the pick up to find some people who are here on holiday that I had been following on a fb group linking through the scenting training that Dris and I are doing. We had a quick chat before heading home. Dris and I are off to do the next level in the scent course tomorrow so I have packed his kit list for the day. Looking forward to a day off the farm but a very early start to get all the morning jobs done before I go.

14c 7mph SE sunshine all day

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