Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Misty and Jenny found it! Dris was watching for searching tips. A long day at the scent training and by the end Dris was very tired and struggling a bit with his searches. He is so well behaved though and enjoyed himself. As did I! A good bit of networking and giving people advice on their dog especially an neighbour down the road who has a collie. (they don't know about my business yet!). Also met a couple who have dog walking and training business in Inverness, good to see what they are doing and what conferences and courses they are looking at or recommend. I'm as tired as Dris now it was an early start to get everything done before heading up the road. New lamb today though so that's only 9 left to lamb!!

Just got off the phone from a friend of a friends husband asking to help train his sheepdog. I have agreed to and now panicking that my training field hasn't finished being fenced and that I need to find some sheep suitable to do it with!! I must be mad!!

14c sunshine all day

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