Up and away

After much trying, (2 days) I have finally uploaded today's Blip. We spotted this balloon early this morning before we left for the soccer tournament. It was directly above our house.

We had an early start for a Saturday as we had to be at school by 8am. It was just me and the boys (Mr G, Sons K and S and friends J and M) as daughter T stayed in Sandton to go to her modeling lesson. The soccer today was hosted by our school and we had invited 2 other schools. It was a wonderful sunny morning. The school looked great with the fields marked out, umbrellas and chairs along the sidelines, our school's gazebo set up for registration and all the children warming-up for their games. The boys had a great day on the field and son S was on form scoring for his team.

On the way home we stopped at Wimpy for burgers and Bar One waffles. My mom offered to drive daughter T home from Sandton as she wanted to drive herself out to the dam. When she arrived we had tea and then drove around the estate on the golf cart. We saw the swans on the small lake and then went down to the waterfront. My mom then left in time to get home before dark.

We ended the day by going up to the clubhouse for supper. That's always a treat!

P.S. If you look very closely you might see that they had a SA flag flying off the side of the balloon's basket.

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