
By Lemony1Lemon

Day 64 - Brisbane

7am set off walking to the pool, got there in record timing! I followed one of the teacher's Anita who is from Brazil. She's a really good teacher and cause her English is not 100% she's hilarious. She said to me at the end that it took her nearly a month to get used of the Australian way of teaching and still now she doesn't agree with the way it is done. And after watching today, to say I have taught for 9 years I feel like I'm starting again cause it's so different, it was reassuring for her to say. I walked back eating my brocoli and rice! Haha and of corse got lost, when I finally got back to the city sun was out so had a walk around, my picture is of a side of a building on queens street. Inside of that wall are lifts which go to a hotel, you can see them going up and down at night it's really strange. Then first paid!! Bar shift tonight, wish me luck! Really hope I don't mess up.... or fall (it's so slippy !)

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