1 day 12 pics - May

The day started early around 6am - well I was awake!  I decided to take a photo of Grandbaby's duck which I used on Thursday for my Abstract.

After a leisurely breakfast in bed the shed from the bedroom window caught my eye - must pick that rhubarb!!  There followed a shower!

 I tutored a lovely young lady who is due to pass an exam next year - we ate my last chocolate Easter rabbit!  After the lesson the bear on the windowsill caught my eye. 

Ro and I, left by car to go to Bury, parked at Besses o'th'Barn(blossom) and finished the journey in the Metro!  As we came out of the train there was more blossom!   

Lunch in Costa's: yum and a bit of shopping in Bury.(Architecture - the pipes belong behind some big gates that happened to open just at the right time!  

Home by train and on the way home stopped in a garden centre where I tried on some shirts!! :-))  Oh and we had an icecream (more yums!) and met an old friend!  Since, I've sat at a computer and processed photos!! Ro made dinner!  (Even more yums!) An excellent Saturday!

Hope you are all having a good weekend!

(The individual images will be on Flickr and Instagram eventually!) 

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