Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Coconut Cruncher

So much fun!  Time for my annual mammogram.  Women can appreciate what kind of day it probably was.  Men, just use your imaginations.

When I asked the tech if I could take a picture she asked what I was going to do with it.  I told her first and foremost, I like taking photos when I'm undergoing various treatments and of my providers.  I showed her photos of nurse practioners and doctors.  I showed her a shot with the dentist's hands in my mouth and the one of me sitting inside a sinus CT scan (taken by my doctor).

Then I described Blipfoto a bit.  She asked me if I would reveal our location because she was pretty sure there was some rule against it.  After explaining how I geotag every shot in Green Valley at the same generic spot in town I decided I was annoyed by the question.  After all, who really cares that the machine was located in the Carondelet Imaging Center on Camino Casa Verde off of N. La Cañada Drive in Green Valley, Arizona 85614?

Ahh...Revenge for the coconut crunching...

PS  At least 80% of the streets in town have Spanish names!

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