Today's Special

By Connections

Big Fish in a Very Small Pond

I wonder if Donald Trump felt that way this afternoon when he gave a campaign speech in Lynden, a conservative farming town of about 11,000 people, less than 20 miles north of Bellingham?

I hope the attitude of the voters in November reflects what you see the smaller fish doing here. Apparently today's rally (I'm know you'll want to see it!) at the Northwest Washington Fair and Event Center was a full house with 5,000 fans of Trump in attendance, but I doubt that they all were from Lynden, Bellingham, and other Whatcom County locations. 

There were some peaceful protestors along the route, but no skirmishes. A wide range of law enforcement personnel were in attendance, and given that this event took place with only 48 hours notice, it went well.

I listened to the speech Trump gave earlier today in Spokane, Washington, on the eastern side of the state, while packing for a trip. He certainly likes to hear the sound of his own voice, and has absolutely no statesmanship qualities. 

OK, rant over! I'm heading out very early tomorrow for Austin, Texas, to visit my sister for a week. That means I'll be blipping on my iPad and won't be writing any long journal entries, for which some of you may heave a sigh of relief...

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