Today's Special

By Connections

Sensory Overload

There's so much to see in this photo! I took it near the King Street Amtrak (train) station on Sunday. My favorite detail is the green dragon spiraling up the utility pole, one of 11 dragons to be admired in the Chinatown International District, which includes Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and other Asian establishments.

There are endless interesting subjects for blips in Seattle! I discovered a new one on this weekend there -- the extra photo shows one of a number of metal silhouettes that augment a decorative cut metal screen along the Weller Street Pedestrian Bridge (Fernanda D'Agostino and Valerie Otani, 1999) at Fourth Avenue South, very near to where I took today's blip.

"Straddling commuter and cargo railways, the Weller Street pedestrian bridge connects the International District and historic Pioneer Square.

"Bridge Between Cultures is both a pedestrian bridge and a metaphorical bridge between the cultural backgrounds of the people passing over it every day on their way to work and events at the Qwest Field below and Safeco Field [sports stadiums] beyond. The elevated walkway crosses above the downtown rail lines and King Street Station" [train station], according to this website (more information there, if you're interested). 

I love having a day or two in Seattle, but then it's time for me to return to the less visually stimulating pleasures of Bellingham.

(Thanks so much for the lovely comments, stars, and hearts for yesterday's birthday girl!)

Blip 1798

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