Happy Mothers Day

I had a house full of mothers at my house today, but I completely forgot about taking any pictures.

So, I was about to settle on a neighbors wood carvings...when my son and his girlfriend Heather showed up. They are getting married in June of 2017. I posed them in front of the setting sun, and took 5 pictures.

I usually have a rough time on Mother's Day, ever since my Mom passed away in 2008. It's even tough going to church. It helped today that I was stuck in the back by myself, running the sound board.

But, at family dinner is when we miss her the most. Our monthly gathering was "her time", her time to shine. She could really put on a spread, and her presence  at these gatherings is sorely, sorely missed.

It also doesn't help matters that I was a REAL momma's boy, but we won't talk about that. ;0)

The moral of the fable, story blip? Enjoy your mothers while they are on this Earth. They are a special gift from God.

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