Occasional Light Rain

So lunch got made (his not mine) and we got loaded into Nu Suzz and picked up Granny (acycling) and off to the meeting spot.

Then they did a really exciting walk of the local coffee joint and decided to go to the movies later (Eddie The Eagle) and after we returned home the rain stopped and The Boss took me out for a blat.

THAT was much better!!!!!

 I didn’t get to the movies. Probably wouldn’t like them as I really don’t much care for some Abbey thing that The Boss is watching from series 1 to 5 at 2 episodes a night on Netflix. 

I spotted a dog once when the Boss was watching a farming program but after checking out the back of the TV and finding it just didn’t smell right I gave up on that. 

The Boss says I should have been born earlier and watched Barbara Woodhouse on TV like The “B’s”  used to when they worked in the same place and rushed home to get the program before tea about 100 years ago…

Apparently no one said SIT like she did.


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