
By ciorstain

Birthday Cake - German Cheesecake

Today was Neil's birthday.
An odd one, because he was leaving this afternoon to go back to Glasgow and I leave tomorrow to go to Bratislava for a business trip.
We have done the packing in the morning and I got some stuff for him to take home. We always carry food back home from Berlin, as there is some nice stuff you cannot get in UK.
Then we have done a short bicycle ride to Herrmann Platz.
Short before he had to leave for the airport we went for his birthday cake.
I did not bake any, but there was a nice Café having his cake of choice: German Cheesecake! Yummie!
Unfortunately I am wheat intolerant, so no cake for me.
At 5 pm I walked him to the U-Bahn and returned home alone.
A quite odd end of a holiday week and I missed him immediately.
I started packing for tomorrow, had some food and worked a few hours to prepare for my meetings.
I am flying in the morning and will be in Bratislava around lunchtime.

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