Motherly Love (not for the squeamish)
People may think I am odd watching me go for my daily walks with camera slung over my shoulder but it is so worth it! These photos are heavily cropped as but it was too fascinating not to share... I am fairly confident that this is a female Broad-Winged Hawk feeding her "baby".
I saw him fly overhead and land in a tree close to me on a residential street. She caught a little Junco and landed in a tree beside this one. She actually 'divided' the meal somewhat and flew over with a large portion for her baby which she handed off to him (see extras). He was well aware of me and was likely deciding whether I was going to want a share of his meal...but soon realized I was a puny human and no threat so continued to devour his meal. Feathers were literally flying...and a wing dropped to the ground.... Not pretty but that's nature.
My only regret...I was on the wrong side of the sun when mama hawk landed and that I don't have a better lens. Such is life ; )
My goodness, the day has just started....I hope yours is equally exciting!
P.S. Have I mentioned I love Emerson?
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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