If You Go Into the Woods Today...
I am a crazed woman this time of year....Spring is so finicky and it comes down to guess work as to the best times to go catch the spring flowers and blossoms. Our provincial flower is the Trillium and around here they bloom for a week or two causing a carpet of white in some woods (similar to bluebells elsewhere)...see extras.
Every year, I spend hours looking for the elusive maroon trillium which is likely 1 in 5000. In contrast, the pink trillium is 1 in 1000. Both I managed to find so I am well pleased. Every year, I ask myself, "Why do you have to find them?"
Today would have been my childhood, best friend's 53rd birthday. Tragically, she was killed in a car accident when she was 18 and I still miss her. We were very mischievous together and I can still hear her laugh. Memories are bittersweet, aren't they?
Have a lovely day...
"Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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