At Last

At last the cherry blossom in the Meadows is out, not quite at full showiness, but enough to provide the first of my blossom blips, as we bask in another day of sunshine and relative warmth.

It is of course Sod's Law that today there is a full sun symbol with the figure 25 next to it hovering over the Hebrides, and we all know that is not going to last until next week when Barra will be host to His Lordship and me as we pay a flying visit there.
No doubt the wind will have switched to the west and the temperature will plummet.
I won't bother with the sun screen.

After last night's book group meeting, it seems that my being unable to put down the book group choice of the 'Lost Wife' was unique amongst the ladies. It was rated not all that far removed from a Mills and Boon novel, and yes there were elements of what I imagine a Mills and Boon novel contains but it did have a story that I enjoyed even though the writing may have not been up to the standard of Ali Smith and her book 'How to be Both' ( which to me was written in double Dutch).
Sadly it seems that my life of blipping, blogging, drawing, knitting..... oh and scone consumption leaves no time for literature appreciation; and so the mid term report is: 'she must try harder'.

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