
By DawnAgain

Mystery dog

I see this dog over the common every so often. The first time I tried to get a look at its name disc but it wouldn't let me get near enough to do so. I mentioned it to other dog walkers I saw afterwards and a couple of women said they had also tried to help find its owner but, although they had managed to get a look at the disc, the writing was apparently worn off. Since then I've seen the dog a few more times in the same general area and I've been assuming it  lives in one of the posh houses on the edge of the woods and has an escapology habit. Today, however, after it saw me and Basil coming (Polly was having a cut and blow dry) it ran off and, although the area is completely fenced-off, we never saw it again, it apparently having disappeared into thin air. So my latest theory is that it's a ghost dog.

Other than my walk with Basil - which was lovely, just like old times - today I have: taken my car to the garage to get a strange noise checked out (which, predictably enough, disappeared shortly after I booked the car in but was probably a stick or stone caught somewhere underneath), spent a few hours in the hell hole that is my place of work, and done a Sainsbury's run.

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