And then there was one

The good news is, I am no longer hobbling! So I decided to capitalise on my re-found mobility and popped over to Petersfield Heath this evening to see what was going on. Unsurprisingly, given the lovely weather, there were lots of people about and whenever I stopped to take a picture someone inevitably wanted to talk about it. I gleaned from one woman that the nesting swan only has one egg and that it hasn't hatched yet. The swan was sitting tight but I couldn't get close enough to the nest to get decent photograph. In fact, as one half of a couple suggested when they passed me as I was grappling unsuccessfully with the undergrowth to get a better view, the nest is located a bit nearer to the shoreline than in previous years and this might mean that predators have been/will be on the scene.

When I started my loop there were four terrapins basking in the usual place; when I got to the end there were just these two who I take to be parent and child. After taking this picture I looked up and the little one has disappeared: maybe it fell in.

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